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Scrisoare de intenție
Assistant - (TBM) Construction
  • Construction

Responsibilities: • Collaborate with project managers and construction teams to assist in the planning and execution of tunnel construction using Tunnel Boring Machines (TBMs) on highway projects. • Support the coordination of TBM operations, ensuring adherence to project timelines and quality standards. • Monitor and inspect TBM construction activities to ensure compliance with project specifications and industry standards. • Coordinate the delivery and placement of materials required for TBM operations according to project requirements. • Assist in the preparation and maintenance of construction schedules, ensuring timely completion of TBM-related tasks. • Work closely with TBM operators, engineers, and labor crews to optimize tunnel construction processes. • Assist in managing and documenting project-related paperwork, including permits, inspections, and quality control records specific to TBM construction. • Conduct regular safety inspections and promote a culture of safety within the tunnel construction environment. • Assist in troubleshooting and resolving any issues that may arise during TBM construction activities. • Collaborate with suppliers to ensure a steady and reliable supply of materials for TBM operations. • Support the implementation of environmental and sustainability practices in TBM construction processes. • Contribute to the training and development of construction personnel involved in TBM-related tasks. • Maintain accurate records of material quantities, TBM performance, and labor hours for reporting purposes. Qualifications: • High school diploma or equivalent; additional education or certification in construction management is a plus. • Proven experience in tunnel construction with a focus on TBM operations or a related field. • Knowledge of TBM technology, tunnel construction techniques, and equipment. • Strong organizational and communication skills. • Ability to work collaboratively in a fast-paced construction environment. • Proficient in the use of construction management software and Microsoft Office Suite. • Understanding of safety regulations and a commitment to promoting a safe work environment. • Attention to detail and the ability to multitask effectively. • Willingness to work flexible hours and adapt to changing project demands. • Valid driver's license and reliable transportation. This job description outlines the key responsibilities and qualifications for the Assistant - Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) Construction position, providing a comprehensive overview of the role in the construction of highway sites with a focus on TBM operations.

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