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Scrisoare de intenție
Demand Planner
  • I2 Demand Planner

Responsibilities: Facilitate the Sales & Operations Planning Process (S&OP) and escalate, where needed, identified demand forecast, risks and develop effective mitigation plans. Maintain and communicate routine and ad-hoc demand related reports for management. Ensure validity of forecasts for new products, seasonal products, discounts and promotions. Coordinate with relevant teams to monitor and maintain optimal inventory levels. Maintain demand planning processes to improve forecast accuracy, including Re supply products from other RB warehouses. Support the Supply Excellence team in activities related to NPD, EPD and overall Portfolio Management Manage and supply requested information to support Regional reporting and feed into relevant Regional Supply meetings – topics include (but not limited to) forecast accuracy, service level and inventory weeks cover Drive agreed actions to meet Regional targets on NWC and Supply weeks of cover in line with CFC and budget commitments. The experience we're looking for: University graduate Experience in demand planning (minimum 2 years) MS Office advanced and English fluent Comprehensive understanding of supply chain processes and constrains Strong Stakeholder management Able to manage and make sense of large volumes of data through effective data management and analysis

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