Locuri de munca

Locuri de muncă, rapid și ușor
IT Software
NOC Engineer

hashtag#network hashtag#ISP We are looking for a NOC Engineer. The ideal candidate is a problem solver with work experience in enterprise or carrier infrastructure, well organized and team player. Our new colleague will have the opportunity to develop his/her consulting skills, business processes knowledge and technical expertise by being exposed to our client’s complex business environment (oil & gas).
Primary Responsibilities:

Deploy and inspect IT #network systems Afișează tot


București, RO

Oracle AWS Azure CCNA VMware
SharePoint Support Engineer
SharePoint Support Engineer

hashtag#Microsoft hashtag#networking hashtag#database hashtag#Microsoft hashtag#Azure hashtag#PowerShell hashtag#troubleshoot hashtag#Configure hashtag#data hashtag#migration hashtag#Office hashtag#SQL hashtag#Server hashtag#Windows hashtag#Server hashtag#Active hashtag#Directory hashtag#Azure hashtag#Git hashtag#Visual hashtag#Studio Ideal candidate for this position is smart and passionate with excellent technical background and skills:
Experience in providing technical support for enterprise applications
Basic understanding of #Microsoft operating systems
Basic understanding of #networking concepts
Basic understanding of relational #database sand reporting technologies
Basic understanding of #Microsoft #Azure (IaaS and PaaS)
Knowledge of Batch and #PowerShell Good/excellent analytical and communication skills Afișează tot


Cluj, RO

Locuri de muncă, rapid și ușor
Network Engineer

hashtag#Cloud hashtag#IaaS hashtag#PaaS hashtag#Openstack hashtag#AWS hashtag#Azure hashtag#Cisco hashtag#Network hashtag#Xen hashtag#Docker hashtag#5 This role is responsible for reviewing #Cloud solution designs, understanding
their impact on the associated infrastructure, network and ensuring the
availability of supporting and enabling infrastructure from internal (local and/or
global DCs) and external service providers
Core competencies, knowledge and
 Systems analysis and infrastructure &
network design in hyper-scale
 Infrastructure & Network automation
and configuration management tools, Afișează tot


Aurel Vlaicu (langa Mall Promenada), București, RO

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